Love Rozelle and Balmain area, wandering down Darling St on a sunny Saturday morning really is a great way to spend the day. Start at the top and visit Rozelle Markets http://www.rozellemarkets.com.au/ reminds me of my grandfather with old clocks, bottles, carpets, and great food stalls.

Then if you feel like a good cup of coffee visit Rosebud Cafe http://www.rosebudsydney.com.au/ very cool and cosy cafe to relax and dine.

About half way down there is a little shop called Infancy they have a great website http://www.infancy.com.au/ they have old school wooden toys, unique light fixtures, clothes and much more. There's a couple of places that I noticed was really the only places on Darling St with a long que to get in, assuming that it's the place to be I did some research and these places look fantastic. Firstly there is Kasbah http://www.kazbah.com.au/ Middle Eastern and North African dining. Menu looks fantastic and from the crowds at the restaurant this is definitely one to try. And another place was the Circle Cafe, didn't look anything spectacular from outside but reviews are great and the que out the door surely is a good sign :) http://www.circlecafe.com.au/

I've definitely left the best for last - ADRIANO ZUMBO http://adrianozumbo.com/
MY GOD.... I know I'm behind the 8 ball here as the rest of Sydney has been here, but have to tell you about the cakes we demolished.
Firstly the WHEELY LEMON (see below): Lemon agar agar, Kalamansi creme legere, lemon dacquoise, lemon meringue batons, lemon puree & Kalamansi curd (Gluten Free)
Then (below again) 4 Times the Vitamin C: Blackcurrant jelly, blackcurrant marshmallow, vanilla violet mousse, pistachio feuilletine, pistachio dacquoise & blackcurrant glacage. OMG!
And lastly (below) ROSES ARE RED MANDIES ARE ORANGE: Biscuit macaron, rose creme brulee, mandarin curd, mandarin creme legere (Gluten Free)

Did you see the macaroon challenge on Masterchef tonight? This guy came on and they had to make raspberry/beetroot and kalamata olive tower - yum!